The eighth week of my teaching practice has been a roller coaster of emotions, filled with both challenges and small victories. As I sit down to reflect on the past few days, I realize how much I've grown as an educator and how much more I still have to learn. 

The week kicked off with an observation that didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. It was one of those days where nothing seemed to fall into place, and I left the classroom feeling a bit disappointed. The observation was an important moment for me, and I had put a lot of effort into preparing for it. But despite my best efforts, things didn’t go as planned. Losing focus during the lesson affected my performance, and the feedback reflected that. While it was tough to hear, I know it’s all part of the learning process. This experience reminded me that every setback is an opportunity for growth.

As the week progressed, there were definitely ups and downs. Substitution duties were a bright spot—they provided a chance to connect with students outside my usual classes and see how other subjects are being taught. These moments also helped me build rapport with the students, which I’m finding to be a crucial aspect of effective teaching.

Wednesday was a significant day as I conducted an achievement test covering two chapters. The results were mixed; the students scored average marks overall. While I was pleased with the progress of some, it became clear that a few students were struggling and needed extra attention. This prompted me to conduct a diagnostic test to pinpoint the areas where these students were having difficulty.

Understanding the need for immediate intervention, I decided to steal 45 minutes from their Christmas celebration to conduct remedial teaching. It wasn’t an easy decision, as I didn’t want to take away from their festive spirit, but it was necessary. The students responded well, and I could see them grasping concepts that had previously eluded them. This small success was incredibly rewarding and reminded me why I chose this profession in the first place.

As I reflect on this week, I’m reminded that teaching is as much about knowledge. There will be tough days, but there will also be moments of joy and connection that make it all worthwhile. Moving forward, I plan to continue carving my skills, learning from my mistakes, and finding new ways to support my students. This journey is far from over, and I’m determined to make the most of every experience.



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